The Final Year…..

As I write this, I am in my second nine weeks of my senior year and I am a little emotional. Senior year as been going by really quick. I truly can not believe that I am a senior. This year things changed big time for me by my family and my classes. 

This was the first school year without my mom. I promise I will touch the subject with my mom when I am comfortable with it fully. Being that it was my senior year, it was more emotional because it is your last year and my mom was not there to cry as she would. I have been going to my dad with everything for school and it is weird. I am in such a routine with going to my mom for everything. As time goes on throughout the year, it has been getting easier and easier. 

I have always taken the advance level of classes since ninth grade year. I have taken honors, advanced placement, and college classes. Believe me they have been hard but I like having the challenge behind it. The positive side of it is that I get a preview of college sort of. This year I am taking College Spanish 4 and College American Government and Politics. My government class has been very interesting but it is harder than I thought it would be. I do not have a lot of classes this year. I have about 6 classes I am taking but in second semester I will have a few more. 

The whole college thing is there right now. I got accepted into Clarion University for audiology and speech pathology. MY DREAM! I am hearing impaired and that is where I get my passion from. I feel so far ahead like I am ready to graduate! I am sad that I will be leaving my family but I am close enough but far enough and I am okay with that. Choosing my college list was hard for me. 

My college list was long but I was so nervous to apply to all of these schools. Well first, I had to take my SATS twice which sucked big time. I am such a bad test taker and I studied but not enough now that  I think of it. I scheduled my ACTS which I take Dec 8th! Wish me luck guys! I look at college as the craziest thing. When I got my acceptance letter, I was literally bawling and my dad says “why are you crying and screaming?” I was like “I GOT ACCEPTED!!! OMG DAD!! READ THIS!! READ! IS THIS TRUE??”. I could not believe it one ounce! 

I have so much positive vibes throughout this year because the “hard” stuff is out of the way. My mom always said to me that you do what YOU want to do. I always say that to myself and she wanted me to go to my top school for my dream major and I am doing this for her! 

My advice today for all high school students and college students: DO what YOU want! You need to put in the effort to succeed. Do not be afraid to send in the applications and scores. Just do it because it will help you. Visit places that you would not consider because it is close or something. Look at a list of all colleges that have your major and apply to as many as you can. 

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“Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.”

–John D. Rockefeller

Published by sydgrannis

I’m 20 years old, I am currently going to the University of Phoenix for Communication: Public Relations and Marketing. I am just a crazy girl who lives their life to the fullest. I'm here for a good time, not a long time, xoxo.

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